The Miniphanies podcast is here to remind you everything is spiritual!

Your hostess, Alena Van Dyke, reflects candidly on her experiences as a spiritual director, wedding planner, entrepreneur, intercessor, and modern Christian mystic. Alena has a knack for making everything deep and meaningful. She loves sharing ancient truths in relatable ways, with common language inspired by every-day experiences.

Her stories will inspire you to live with intention, pursue a meaningful relationship with Jesus, laugh and cry and get back up after even the biggest mistakes, and remind you that God is in all things⏤ and still good, even when our world is a mess. These simple ah-ha moments, her mini-ephiphanies, will challenge you to think outside the box, embrace spirituality over religion, and actually live the two greatest commandments: to love God with all your heart, mind, and strength and to love your neighbor as yourself.

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