Alena Van Dyke
Spiritual mentor, author, podcast hostess
Alena means “beautiful bearer of light.”
Ever since I was young, I have felt called to be a light in the darkness. Now is the time to dedicate myself full-time to sharing His love and light with the world.
The Miniphanies® podcast was born of this desire. To be little “ah-ha” moments that inspire you into deeper relationship with the Lord, and invite you to encounter him in all the little and big things in life.

…a mid-30-year-old with an awesome resume, who left it all for the pearl of great price. Here to remind you that everything is spiritual and inspire you to go all-in as you follow Jesus, listen to the Holy Spirit, and love God, others & yourself with all you’ve got.
Everything is spiritual
Official Bio
Alena Van Dyke is a spiritual mentor, author, teacher, podcast hostess, and friend to wounded hearts. Spirit-led and prophetic, this modern Christian mystic believes everything is spiritual. Through writing, teaching, and having deep and meaningful conversations over coffee, Alena joins others on their journey to deconstruct religion and still seek the Lord with all their heart, mind, soul, and strength. She is a safe and welcoming companion for those walking through difficult seasons into a wholehearted life with Jesus. Learn more.
Alena is the author of Return to Love: Restoring the Heart of Christianity, the host of the Miniphanies® podcast.

Return to Love
God is inviting you to return to love. If you say yes, he will use every season of your life to transform you and fill your heart with gold, especially your desert seasons. He will use the rollercoasters of life to build your faith in his faithfulness. He says you are worthy and wanted, no matter what you’ve done. He deeply delights in you.
In Return to Love, Alena Van Dyke shares her journey and wisdom gained in spiritual valleys, mountaintops, and deserts. Powerful, inspiring, and relatable, Alena opens her heart and guides you on your own personal journey to seek the Lord with all of your heart, mind, and soul.

Pray in the Desert
New Mexico
Pray in the Desert is calling believers to pray and worship Jesus in the beautiful New Mexico desert. Our goal is to help you find purpose in the spiritual desert seasons so that you be healed, transformed, and restored.

ESV Bible Reference
Unless otherwise noted, Bible quotations in this publication (both podcast and blog) are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version (ESV), copyright 2008, by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.
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