
with Alena Van Dyke

The Miniphanies® podcast is here to remind you

Everything is Spiritual

Your hostess, Alena Van Dyke, reflects candidly on her experiences as a spiritual director, wedding planner, entrepreneur, intercessor, and modern Christian mystic. Alena has a knack for making everything deep and meaningful. She loves sharing ancient truths in relatable ways, with common language inspired by every-day experiences.

Her stories will inspire you to live with intention, pursue a meaningful relationship with Jesus, laugh and cry and get back up after even the biggest mistakes, and remind you that God is in all things⏤ and still good, even when our world is a mess. These simple ah-ha moments, her mini-ephiphanies, will challenge you to think outside the box, embrace spirituality over religion, and actually live the two greatest commandments: to love God with all your heart, mind, and strength and to love your neighbor as yourself.

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God is inviting you to return to love. If you say yes, he will use every season of your life to transform you and fill your heart with gold, especially your desert seasons. He will use the rollercoasters of life to build your faith in his faithfulness. He says you are worthy and wanted, no matter what you’ve done. He deeply delights in you. 

In Return to Love, Alena Van Dyke shares her journey and wisdom gained in spiritual valleys, mountaintops, and deserts. Powerful, inspiring, and relatable, Alena opens her heart and guides you on your own personal journey to seek the Lord with all of your heart, mind, and soul. She invites you to embrace spirituality over religion through wholeheartedly embracing the Golden Rule: loving God and loving others as we love ourselves. You will be challenged to deconstruct your definition of religion and read the Bible in new ways, encouraged by her insights and prayer, and empowered by practical steps to grow and deepen your relationship with Jesus. 

If you’ve wrestled, doubted, felt unworthy, or if you yearn for a deeper, more meaningful relationship with God, this is the invitation you’ve waited for, from the spiritual mentor and friend you’ll wish you found a long time ago.

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14: Oil of Intimacy
  • 14: Oil of Intimacy

    14: Oil of Intimacy

    Mar 10, 2023 • 00:17:11

    Alena talks about the parable of the 10 virgins, intimacy with Jesus and preparing for His return.

  • 13: Communion

    13: Communion

    Mar 4, 2023 • 00:19:16

    Communion is an act and a state of being. It is intimacy with Jesus and inviting him into our lives, as well as understanding what Jesus’ sacrifice did for us. The blood of Jesus returns to us our authority, making us children of God. Let’s behold what he did for us…

  • 12: Behold Him & Be Seen

    12: Behold Him & Be Seen

    Feb 24, 2023 • 00:27:29

    Behold him & allow yourself to be seen and known by a holy God. 

  • 11: Jesus Loves You

    11: Jesus Loves You

    Feb 17, 2023 • 00:27:59

    Jesus Loves You, How do we love him in return? Hosea 6:6 and More…

  • 10: Pray, Holy, Help

    10: Pray, Holy, Help

    Oct 12, 2022 • 00:28:48

    Pray without ceasing to our holy God, even if it’s just “help!” He wants our partnership and our ask. He will take care of everything.

  • 9: God is So Good

    9: God is So Good

    Oct 2, 2022 • 00:26:52

    God is so good and every good thing comes from him. We live on his borrowed breath. Holy Spirit we invite you to come fill us, so we may love you with all we are.

  • 8. Return to Love

    8. Return to Love

    May 16, 2022 • 00:25:30

  • 7. Mini-Transition

    7. Mini-Transition

    May 2, 2022 • 00:42:28

    Much has changed in the past few years. With that in mind, where is Miniphanies headed? Still a friend who corrects and encourages, introduces you to her best friend (Jesus), chooses a Spirit-led spiritual life over religion, lives by example, and invites you to love God, others, and yourself.

  • 6: Jonah the Grumpy Prophet

    6: Jonah the Grumpy Prophet

    Sep 6, 2021 • 00:33:33

    Jonah is chosen, but he runs away from the Lord and his calling. Don't we all do this? We're all human. We all need Jesus and community.

  • 5: Noah; Water, Fire, & Faith

    5: Noah; Water, Fire, & Faith

    Aug 2, 2021 • 00:38:44

    As in the days of Noah, people are just going about their lives. Let's ask Jesus to interrupt our lives with his will, his plan, his best. Baptize us in Fire, Lord.

ESV Bible Reference

Unless otherwise noted, Bible quotations in this publication (both podcast and blog) are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version (ESV), copyright 2008, by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.

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